Weekly Zeal update 2.5

I’m a few days late on my Weekly update! I had a sick baby all weekend and was not able to post.
My weight loss is still at 3-4 pounds.
I’m still only drinking one shake a day.
I’m trying to remember to take the cleanse and the thermogenic Burn pills when I’m supposed to……. I’m not the best at that, but I am trying!
Even with the lack of sleep due to the baby being sick, I was in a lot better mood this weekend than I used to be with that lack of sleep!
You know the phrase, “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy”? Well, when mama is harpy, everybody in this house seems to be happier!!

I also hosted my first Zeal tasting party last week! I think it went great! I Had one person sign up for the Builders Pac And she invited her sisters and her mother to taste everything. Two of her sisters Decided to split a weight management pack to try it out for two weeks. Her mother bought one of the weight management packs and her other sister is in a wait and see how everybody else does.
To really make money at Zeal, I should be hosting 1 to 2 tastings a week. Again, I’m a full-time working mother of two so that’s been a little bit harder for me. I have another friend I’m trying to encourage to host a party for her family as well. I would like her to buy the builders pack so that she makes the money off the plans she sells to her family!
As soon as I receive any money, I will let you know what I make financially! I should receive a weekly bonus for the builders pac the end of this week and a commission check around the 15th of the month.
Due to the tastings, and my husband trying a few shakes this month, I’m out of my chocolate flavor! 😦 I am a chocoholic so I don’t really want to drink the vanilla ones. I may try to be creative this week and mix things in with the vanilla. If I do I will post what was good and what was not quite so good.

Any ideas on what I should mix in?

I have heard that peanut butter is good but I’m allergic to peanut butter.
I think I will try Mint extract first.
Then maybe strawberries!

Until next time, stay safe and remember, I will ship free samples of Zeal anywhere you would like!

Weekly Zeal Update

I am at the end of week one on my Zeal for life weight loss challenge! So far we are looking good, the shakes still taste great, the Zeal still gives me so much energy and I feel so much better physically and emotionally!
Let us review my 7 things I hope Zeal helps with:
1) My mood is better all day long, So my kids are staying happier all day long!
2) Mornings are easier and I’m waking up before my alarm clock!
3) Going to bed at 10 o’clock still to get my recommended 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night!
4) My back and knees are better. Let’s just say I don’t hurt when I get out of track and I can take a step without having to catch my balance.
5) Did I mention I’m in a good mood?
6) 😉 Let me just say WOW I am always in a good mood!!!
7) I’m happy to report I am down 3 pounds!
Short and sweet but this is my weekly update for week number one!

Zeal for life challenge


Today I’m going to start my new weight loss plan! Two weeks ago I stopped breast-feeding my youngest child who is now 11 months old. Breast-feeding so far is the best diet I’ve ever been on, I could eat whatever I wanted and I lost all of my baby weight fast! Now that I don’t have that wonderful calorie burning option I am going to start a new diet to make sure that I don’t gain all of that weight back and hopefully get my college body back…you know before I gained my freshman 15!!
I had people recommend the Advocare diet and I tried it, but I didn’t like the way it tasted! I also didn’t like the fact you were supposed to drink several drinks of spark a day.
Before I was pregnant I went on a diet through the program called metabolic research. I lost weight and I looked healthy but I had to take 15 to 20 different vitamins a day five or six before each meal!!! Then, I had to drink several very concentrated protein drinks a day. They recommended that you stick to their snack options only and most tasted like cardboard! That just wasn’t going to work for me this go around!
Years ago, I also tried a diet called the Isagenix diet. You drank 2 shakes a day and ate one healthy small meal a day. I lost 15 pounds but you couldn’t even see a difference in the way my clothes fit or anything. Plus, their version of a cleanse was starving you for a day, drinking a disgusting drink and living in your bathroom for 24 hrs!! I think I’ll pass on trying that again!
That brings me to today! I had a friend on FaceBook mention how she tried a drink called Zeal and after being up all night with her newborn, she knew she could drink one vitamin supplement drink in the morning and still have the energy to chase her 3 year old around all day!! I thought NO WAY….I have to try this stuff! She is drinking the caffeine free version since she’s breastfeeding and yet she still had energy. Did I mention this was only 4 days after having a c-section?!! So today I’m taking the plunge and trying the Complete Weight Management Challenge.
So let’s start listing what’s wrong with me and why do I need to be on Zeal.
1. I am a full-time working mother of two! That should be enough on it’s own!
2. I am not a morning person getting up before eight is like torture to me!
3. I am not a night owl either I love to be in bed by 10 at the latest!
4. I drive a lot for work and when I say a lot I mean on average thousand miles per week! That means my back hurts, my knees hurt, my wrists hurt, everything pretty much hurts all the time!
5. I am in chemical sales which pretty much means I work in a man’s world doing a man’s job! I deal with men all day long! I work on pumps, I deliver chemical, and I pretty much work in the hottest clothes (FRC) you can imagine in 120° West Texas summer heat! That means I am always exhausted at the end of the day before I even get home to spend time with my children.
6. I’m always so tired after a day of work and playing with my children that I have very little energy or desire to be with my husband… I mean who really has sex after children! Just kidding we do have sex just not as much as either one of us would like!
7. I’m at the very top of the normal body mass index for my height and my weight. I would really like to be at the very bottom of this level of my BMI! I am 30 years old, 5 foot five and as of this morning I weigh 136 pounds.
So I’m starting this challenge and I’m going to keep a diary of how it goes and see if I can get rid of any of these side effects of my life.
The other challenge is that I want to see if an average person really can make just a little bit of extra income or at least truly get their diet for free based on Zeal challenge for life business plan!

If you follow my blog and you decide you want to try the same challenge please feel free to contact me for FREE samples or order from my website!
Bailey Morgan’s Zeal Challenge

Have a Blessed Day!